I love bags...all sorts of bags. Handbags, totes, backpacks, sachels, slings, gift bags, duffels, hipsters, coin purses, eye glass cases, cosmetic bags, even high quality plastic store bags. And like a good girl, I've got my share of Dooney & Burke, Vera Bradley, and an assortment of knock-off styles from Target. My husband claims it's an obsession. <sigh...men never learn, do they?> I say it's part of my world where there is "a place for everything and everything in its place". I supposed taking advance from a flying nanny is as good as any!
So, when it comes to Disney and bags, you can imagine how heavenly that is for me. Every trip, I come home with at least one bought bag, and an assortment of store bags from purchases I've made. I'll use these bags as gift bags for people who've never been to Disney or kids who like the design. I'll also use them for storage bags of Disney related items. For example, my Disney rain ponchos are in a store bag from 2003. The design on these bags change often and as I go through my bag-stash I'll run across one from various years. Many, many years ago bags were specific to parks and resorts. Those were the bags to collect and hoard! Now, it's just the same design across Walt Disney World and Disneyland. Still, the bags are quaint reminder of that trip and always makes me smile. I recently ran across a really old bag. It's a paper store bag. No handles, or hand-holes...just a paper sack. I'm not sure of the time period, but I think early 80's, definitely pre-EPCOT. I hope you'll find it as "groovy" as I do. It made me smile and that always makes a bag worth saving!
Love this! So vintage!